What Do We Know About Deepening Mathematics/Science Teacher Knowledge and How Well Do We Know It?
Authors: Iris Weiss, Joan Pasley, Daniel Heck

1. Context of the Work
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The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP KMD) project was funded as an MSP RETA to support knowledge management within the Math and Science Partnership program and to disseminate information to the broader mathematics and science education community. A partnership of Horizon Research, Inc., Education Development Center, and WestEd, the overall goal of the KMD project is to synthesize findings in the K-12 arena in a small number of important areas, articulating the contribution of the MSP program to the knowledge base and identifying "gaps" and promising practices/strategies for further investigation. In this way, MSPs and the field at large can benefit from MSPs' research and development efforts. One of the primary areas of focus is deepening mathematics/science teacher content knowledge.